Placement Record

Our Ph.D. program has an excellent placement record: of those who have sought academic employment over the past fifteen years or so, 58% currently occupy tenured or tenure-track positions. Another 17% occupy continuing non-tenure-track positions, i.e., non-tenure-track positions that are not fixed-term. Some of these latter positions are hybrid academic/administrative positions. So, 75% of our Ph.D.s who have entered the academic job market are in stable, long-term jobs. Of the remaining 25%, some have post-doctoral fellowships, some are in temporary or visiting positions, and only a few have not been able to find satisfying teaching positions. About one-quarter of our Ph.D.s do not enter the academic job market, preferring instead to pursue clinical positions or “alt-ac” careers.

In her independent analysis of the outcomes of Ph.D. programs in Philosophy, Prof. Carolyn Dicey Jennings corroborates our internal results. (The windows of time covered by our internal analysis and Prof. Jennings’s are a little different, so the numbers do not line up exactly.) For more detail on her analysis of our program, see this blog post.

We have an active placement program that prepares our students for the job market they choose to enter. This program, along with the strength of the students who study with us, explains our excellent record.

Detailed Record

Beginning with the 2014–15 job hunting season, we will list all job events from the year, including Ph. D.s from earlier years who changed jobs or found first-time employment during this year.

* = did not enter the academic job market in philosophy


Madeline Ward
Assistant Professor (TT), Western New England University

Michael Barnes
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Australian National University

Daniel Threet
Housing Program Specialist with the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development 

Jason Farr
Assistant Teaching Professor, Georgetown University EthicsLab

Tony Manela
Associate Professor, Siena College

Hailey Huget
Campaign Lead, Alphabet Workers Union-Communications Workers of America Local 1400

Beba Cibralic
Responsible AI Lead (Executive Director) for J.P. Morgan


Jason Farr
Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown University Ethics Lab

Colin Hickey
Assistant Professor at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Joey Jebari
Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics

Matthew Shields
Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), Wake Forest University

Gerald Taylor
Research & Policy Analyst at BlueGreen Alliance


Tony Manela
Assistant Professor of Philosophy (TT), Siena College

Michael Barnes
Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Western Ontario (aka Western University)

Sara Kolmes
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Bioethics at Wellstar 

Matthew Shields
Postdoctoral Fellowship at University College Dublin

Stephen Hanson
Director of Graduate Studies, MS Program in Bioethics and Medical Humanities, at Tulane University

Colin Hickey
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University (in the High Meadows Environmental Institute and the University Center for Human Values)


Michael Barnes
Postdoctoral Fellow, at the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing at the University of Oklahoma (2020–21)

Megan Dean
Assistant Professor (TT), Michigan State Univ. (2020–)

Hailey Huget
Lead Organizer, United Campus Workers Colorado-Communications Workers of America Local 7799.

Katherine Ward
Assistant Professor (TT), Bucknell University (2020–)


Ann Lloyd Breeden
Vice President and Secretary to the Board, University of Richmond

Megan Dean
Chauncey Truax Post-doctoral Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor
Hamilton College

Jacob Earl
Clinical Ethicist
Inova Health Systems, Virginia

Kyle Fruh
Assistant Professor, Duke Kunshan University (TT, 2019-)

Anne Jeffrey
Assistant Professor, Baylor University (TT, 2019-)

Richard Fry
Assistant Teaching Professor, Rutgers University (2019-)

Travis Rieder
Director of the MBE Program; Assistant Director for Education Initiatives; Associate Faculty; Research Scholar (Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University)

Matthew Shields
University of Colorado, Boulder

Daniel Threet
Research Analyst and Mellon/ACLS Postdoctoral Public Fellow National Low Income Housing Coalition
Washington, DC


Francisco Gallegos
Assistant Professor (TT)
Wake Forest University

Walter “Trip” Glazer
Assistant Professor (TT)
Univ. of Dayton

Cassie Herbert
Assistant Professor (TT)
Illinois State University, Normal

Colin Hickey
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Fair Limits Project
University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Nabina Liebow
Director of CAS Leadership Program and Professorial Lecturer Philosophy & Religion
American University, Washington, DC

Joseph Rees
Stanford Online High School


Laura Guidry-Grimes
Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities and Bioethics
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Cassie Herbert
Visiting Assistant Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

Torsten Menge
Assistant Professor in Residence
Northwestern University Qatar.


Chong Un Choe-Smith
Ph.D., 2016
Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
California State U, Sacramento

Anne Jeffrey
Ph.D., 2015
Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
University of South Alabama

Torsten Menge
Ph.D., 2015
Post-doctoral Lab Director
Connected Academics / Reinvent the PhD/H
and Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy
Georgetown University


Emily Evans *
Ph.D., 2014
Program Officer in Comparative Clinical Effectiveness Research (CER) Methods and Infrastructure Program
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Christian Golden
Ph.D., 2012
Visiting Lecturer
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Laura Guidry-Grimes*
Clinical Ethicist
Washington Hospital Center

Anne Jeffrey
Ph.D., 2015
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Hope, Optimism, and God project
University of Notre Dame

Patricia McShane
Ph.D., 2015
Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
University of Portland

James Olsen
Ph.D., 2013
Program Manager for Faculty Initiatives
Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, Georgetown University

Nate Olson
Ph.D., 2012
Assistant Professor of Philosophy (tenure track)
California State University, Bakersfield

Travis Rieder
Ph.D., 2014
Assistant Director of Education Initiatives & Research Scholar
Berman Institute of Bioethics
Johns Hopkins University

Gordon Shannon
Pre/Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
“Reinventing How Business Schools Teach Morality of Capitalism, Business Ethics, and Entrepreneurship,”

Detailed Record, ordered by the year the Ph.D. was granted:


Ann Lloyd Breeden *
Secretary to the Board of Trustees, University of Richmond

Kyle Fruh
Visiting Assistant Professor (3-year term), Beloit College

Richard Fry
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

Diana Puglisi*
Ontologist, Cycorp, Austin TX.

Travis Rieder*
Postdoctoral Fellow, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University


Marcus Hedahl
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), United States Naval Academy
Previously: Dahrendorf Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics

Kelly Heuer
Head of Communications & Project Development, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown
previously, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown

James Olsen
Postdoctoral Fellow in Pedagogy and Teaching Design, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, Georgetown

Yashar Saghai
director of the Global Food Project and Post-Doctoral Fellow, at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Ethics


Christian Golden

Luke Maring
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Northern Arizona University

Lee Okster*
Professorial Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy, the George Washington University

Nate Olson
Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow, Thinking Matters Interdisciplinary Program, Stanford University

Col. Tony Pfaff *
member of the Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State

Karim Sadek
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities, American University of Beirut


Jeff Engelhardt
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Dickinson Coll.
previously, Visiting Assistant Professor (renewable), at Siena Heights Univ.

Daniel Quattrone
Ontologist, Cycorp, Inc.

Amy Sepinwall
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


David Bachyrycz
Teaching Fellow, St. Norbert Coll.
Previously: Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow,  Fordham University

Justyna Japola
Instructor, Strayer University


Lauren Fleming (1980-2011)
Former Visiting Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Previously: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound

William Lauinger
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Chestnut Hill College
Previously: Fordham University (one-year position)

Robert Leider*
Entered Yale Law School to pursue a career with a JD-Ph.D.
Offer pending.

Tea Logar *
Research Assistant, Global Health Ethics Curriculum Development, Univ. of California, San Francisco


Kari L. Esbensen, MD*
Practicing Internist, northern Virginia

Ashley K. Fernandes, MD *
Associate Director, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Previously: Associate Professor of Community Health and Pediatrics, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University

Michael Ferry
Associate Professor (with tenure) as of Fall 2014, Spring Hill College

Matthew McAdam *
Humanities Editor, John Hopkins University Press.
Previously: Rowman & Littlefield Press.

Chauncey Maher
Associate Professor (with tenure), Dickinson College


Matthew Rellihan
Associate Professor (with tenure), Seattle University

Jeremy Snyder
Associate Professor (with tenure), Simon Fraser University

Sr. Patricia Flynn
Associate Professor (with tenure), St. Joseph’s College of Maine


Elisa Hurley
Education Director, Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, PRIM&R
previously, Assistant Professor (tenure-track), the University of Western Ontario

Coleen Macnamara
Associate Professor (with tenure), University of California, Riverside

Katherine Taylor *
Adjunct Lecturer in Health Care Ethics, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel University


Jennifer Walter, MD, MS*
Dept. of Medical Ethics and Health Policy and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Attending Pediatric Physician in the Division of General Pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Daniel Levine*
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), University of Maryland, College Park, School of Public Policy
Levine earned an MA in the Master of Public Policy program at the University of Maryland.

Misha Strauss Moore*
Director, Ambulatory Network Operations at St Mary Mercy Hospital, Detroit; Administrator, Moore Pediatrics & Associates


Matthew Burstein
Senior Writer/Editor at JBS International, Inc.
previously, Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington & Lee University Academic Program Officer for Instruction & New Media, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown (2010–2012); 
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (2006–10; left for personal reasons); Lecturer (renewable), Southern Methodist University

Todd Janke
Associate Professor (with tenure), Clayton College & State University

Justin Weinber
Associate Professor (with tenure), University of South Carolina


Nathaniel Goldberg
Associate Professor (with tenure), Washington and Lee University

Thane Naberhaus
Associate Professor (with tenure), Mount Saint Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Maryland

Sven Peterson*
earned a JD at Columbia Law School
Attorney in private practice


Harrison Keller*
Vice Provost for Higher Education Policy and Research and Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Visiting Professor, at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Policy, the University of Texas at Austin
Previously: director of research for the Texas House of Representatives and senior education policy analyst for the speaker of the Texas House

Eran Klein , MD*
Assistant Professor of Neurology at Oregon Health and Sciences University and a staff physician at the Portland VA Medical Center

Thaddeus Pope , JD
Director, Health Law Institute and Associate Professor of Law, Hamline University
Previously: the University of Memphis Law School (tenure-track)


Lauren Deichman*

Stephen Hanson, MD
Associate Professor (with tenure) of Philosophy and Adjunct Associate Professor of Family and Geriatric Medicine, at the University of Louisville.

Jeffrey Jennings, MD*
Yale-New Haven Hospital

Heath White
Associate Professor (with tenure), University of North Carolina at Wilmington


Cynthia Chance
Directory of Faculty Affairs and Assistant Provost, Georgetown

Frank Chessa
Director of Clinical Ethics, Maine Medical Center
Previously: University of Nevada at Las Vegas

Jeremy Koons
Associate Professor (with tenure) and Member of the Core Faculty, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar
Previously: The American University of Beirut (renewable)

Susan Stark
Associate Professor (with tenure), Bates College
Previously: UC Davis (one-year renewable)

Michael P. Wolf
Associate Professor (with tenure), Washington and Jefferson College


Andrew J. Cohen
Associate Professor, Georgia State University

Elizabeth Emmett-Maddox *
Dream Garden Coaching

Robin Fiore
Director, Special Ethics Initiatives and Co-Director, Research Ethics Consultation Service, the Ethics Programs of the University of Miami
Previously: Adelaide R. Snyder Professor of Ethics and Associate Professor (with tenure) of Philosophy at Florida Atlantic University

John Gunkel *
Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs and Strategic Partnerships, Rutgers University, Newark

Sharon Livingston
Faculty, Huntsville Bible College

Whitley Kaufman
Professor, University of Massachusetts-Lowell

Judith Kissell
Director of the Creighton University Health Administration and Policy Program and Resident Associate Professor of Philosophy, Creighton University

Wilhelmine Miller*
Senior Fellow in the Health Care Research Department, NORC at the University of Chicago, and Associate Research Professor, Department of Health Policy, the George Washington University

Julia Pedroni *
Lecturer, Williams College
Previously: Lecturer, Miami University