Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact

Prof. Kate Withy, Director of Undergraduate Studies, kate.withy@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research

Doing research in philosophy is developing novel arguments for or against substantive philosophical theses or interpretations of the work of important philosophers.

How to get started

Because, apart from the formal bits of philosophy, philosophy does not consist in a body of settled results in which students can be initiated, students begin doing philosophical research from the very beginning of their general education philosophy classes. Once students have had the opportunity to learn through multiple courses at an advanced level the skills of philosophical writing and how to navigate philosophical literature, students can proceed to more independent research by writing an honors thesis (see below).

How to get connected with a faculty mentor

Contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the Honors Thesis Coordinator.

Earning credit for undergraduate research

All undergraduate philosophy courses, including honors thesis tutorials, are offered for credit through the usual registration process.

Getting paid for research

Paid research opportunities for undergraduate students are very rare in philosophy. If they do arise, they tend to be available for students with particular philosophical training through their coursework and will be advertised to such students.

Thesis or capstone research

See the page for honors in philosophy: https://philosophy.georgetown.edu/undergraduate/majors-minors/honors/#