Transfer Credit

Credit toward Georgetown degrees may be given for work done at other accredited institutions. The University determines how many credits a transfer course is worth, and how many credits may be transferred. The Philosophy Department then determines whether a particular course for which credit is sought fulfills Philosophy requirements (it helps in the determination of credit if students have syllabi, work samples, evidence that the instructor has a Ph.D. in Philosophy, etc). The course should have been taken in a Philosophy Department (except in exceptional circumstances), and at the level for which equivalent credit is sought. To have a course taken elsewhere count as equivalent to a particular Georgetown course (e.g., for the purposes of major requirements), the content of the two courses must be very similar. Students planning to take courses outside of Georgetown toward their major or minor requirements and those wanting credit for core requirements in Philosophy should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Please note that there are limits on the number of courses outside Georgetown that can be transferred toward a major (5).