Study Abroad
Satisfy the Core Requirement Abroad
It is frequently possible to satisfy a core requirement in philosophy during study abroad. However, the Philosophy Department needs specific information in order to determine whether a course at a given institution can count toward your core requirement. Your proposal for credit should include: name of accredited school offering the course and the department where it is offered; the number of credits the course is worth; evidence that the instructor has a Ph.D. in Philosophy; and the course description and/or syllabus including required readings. This information is usually available to students prior to going abroad and thus should be approved before going abroad. On occasion, detailed information is not available until actually abroad. In that case, the information should be provided as soon as it is available.
Students who wish to have courses taken abroad count towards the core requirement should receive approval from the Department before departure. The Department will not waive any core requirements on the basis of mistakes made by insufficient preparation and counseling before going abroad.
The contact person in the Philosophy Department with respect to core study abroad issues is the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Study Abroad for Philosophy Majors & Minors
The Philosophy Department encourages, and tries very hard to accommodate, study abroad. It is often possible to satisfy some major or minor requirements during a study abroad program. The Philosophy Department needs specific information in order to determine whether a course at a given institution can count toward your major/minor requirements. Your proposal for credit should include: name of accredited school offering the course and the department where it is offered; the number of credits the course is worth; and the course description and/or syllabus including required readings. This information is usually available to students prior to going abroad and thus should be approved before going abroad.
Before going abroad, students should, in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, put together a tentative plan of study to determine how these courses selected can be applied toward a Philosophy major/minor. This tentative study plan may change once actually abroad, though consistent communication is required for alterations. If approved beforehand, there should be no trouble with transfer credit. See the Transfer Credit section.
The contact person in the Philosophy Department with respect to major/minor study abroad issues is the Director of Undergraduate Studies.