Nate W. Olson (Ph.D. 2012) tenured at Cal. State Bakersfield
Posted in News PhD Placements
We are delighted that the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies at California State University at Bakersfield has granted Dr. Nate W. Olson early tenure and promoted him to Associate Professor.
Dr. Olson completed his Ph.D. in the department in 2012. His dissertation, on the special obligations that we owe those to whom we stand in certain relationships, was mentored by Henry Richardson and further advised by Judy Lichtenberg, David Luban, and Mark Murphy.
From Georgetown, Dr. Olson went to Stanford University, where he spent three years teaching in their Thinking Matters program and as an affiliate of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
Dr. Olson moved to CSUB in the fall of 2015. He has continued to work on special obligations and claims. For instance, he has published noteworthy articles on medical researchers’ ancillary-care obligations (in Bioethics, 2016) and on family-centered medical care (Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 2019). He is Associate Director of CSUB’s Kegley Institute of Ethics, for which he directs the Ethics Across the Curriculum faculty professional development program.