Grad Students Launch Project to Diversify Philosophy Syllabi

Posted in Graduate Program News

The Philosophy Dept.’s Women in Philosophy Climate Coalition began a project last summer of developing recommendations for diversifying the syllabus. Project participants read through a range of material on a given subject and then recommend a set of readings in that subject that are written by women, members of LGBT communities, and people of color. The goal is to provide a resource for introducing literature into the philosophy curriculum that has been authored by people who have traditionally been marginalized within the profession. The Coalition, which meets regularly, plans to return to the Diversifying Syllabi project again next Summer. All graduate students in the Department are welcome to participate.

The website of the project may be found here: .

The Women in Philosophy Climate Coalition is a graduate student group within the Philosophy Department. From the Climate Coalition’s self-description: “Georgetown’s Women in Philosophy Climate Coalition seeks to identify and address issues specific to gender minorities in the philosophy department by meeting regularly and collectively developing and implementing strategies for improvement.”

For more information about Diversifying Syllabi, contact Megan Dean.

For information about the Climate Coalition, contact Nabina Liebow.